Friday, December 31, 2010
Posted by Unknown at 6:51 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 26, 2010
இயல்பாய், எளிதாய் மகிழ்ச்சி வருமே
எவரும் பெறலாம், இன்பம் உறலாம் !
அயலார் விடவும் அதிகம் வேண்டும்
ஆசை அதற்குக் குழியைத் தோண்டும் !
ஒன்றைப் பலரும் பகிர்ந்தால் குறையும் .
உடனே உதிக்கும் அவருள் பிணக்கே !
என்றும் மகிழ்ச்சி பகிர்ந்தால் பெருகும் !
இதுவே வாழ்வின் விந்தைக் கணக்கு !
துண்டு தோளில் கிடக்கும் போது
சுற்றி முற்றும் தேடும் நண்பா !
மண்டும் மகிழ்ச்சி மனதில் பொங்க
மாய உலகில் தேடல் பண்பா ?
அன்பைக் கூட்டி அறிவைப் பெருக்கி
ஆணவம் கழித்துப் பகிர்வாய் மகிழ்ச்சி !
இன்பம் ஈவாய்த தரும்இக் கணக்கே !
என்றும் நூறு மதிப்பெண் உனக்கே !
இனிய புத்தாண்டு ௨௦0௧௧ இல் (2011) உலகில் மகிழ்ச்சி பெருக வேண்டும் என இறைவனை வேண்டி இப்பாடலை உலக மக்கள் அனைவருக்கும் சமர்ப்பிக்கிறேன்
Posted by Unknown at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: nooru mathippenn-tamil poem
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Posted by Unknown at 9:05 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The other day,I got an unusual message which proved to be a refreshing change. It was a different sort of message on three counts.Firstly, it was anonymous. Secondly,it was obviously written with a good intention rather than garnering cheap publicity.Thirdly,it was written on a 'TEN RUPEE CURRENCY NOTE'.On the front side of the currency (on the white space) were the words,"FIGHT FOR PEACE". On the reverse I found the cryptic remark,'HUMANITY IS RELIGION'.
As a rule I abhor the practice of defacing currency notes as it reduces the life-span of the money. It is also indecent and an act of callousness. But that particular 'monetary message' appeared to be relevant, altruistic and well-meant that,I had to shed my initial resentment and all my reservations.
We fight many a battle in life, the main motive invariably being that of self-aggrandizement. But the idea of 'Fighting for peace' (what a lovely paradox!) in these troubled times can emanate only from an enlightened soul. In this world we live as Hindus, Christians, Muslims,Buddhists etc.-forgetting the basic fact that we are all human beings.Our religious faith has failed to evoke humanitarian sentiments in our stony hearts. But, is it not the core of all religious tenets?.The writer,by his observation,'Humanity is religion' subtly pinpoints our folly and exhorts us to have a humane approach.
Flooded with these thoughts I lost myself in a reverie.
Suddenly,I remembered William Wordsworth"s immortal lines:
"And then my heart with pleasure fills
And dances with the daffodils"
The profoundity of the message ,like Wordsworth's daffodils,made my heart dance with ecstasy.
Posted by Unknown at 8:57 PM 2 comments
Labels: essay
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Behold all the joys of morn!
An early bird chirps or sings;
Fragrance rides on airy wings;
Pearly green grass tops aglitter;
Colourful butterflies all flutter.
Children dear,do not miss
Morning's glory and its bliss!
(I wrote this small poem for my son Shankar,when he was a little boy)
Posted by Unknown at 8:04 AM 8 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
SUN--Translation of Subramania Bharati's Prose-poem,'GNAYIRU' translated by R.NATARAJAN
Oh sun !
What have you done to
darkness ?
Have you
driven it?
slain it ?
gobbled it up ?
Did you conceal it
in your kissing embrace
with hands of rays ?
Is darkness your
foe or food?
Is it your lady love
dismayed at your
absence thro' the night
and thus
turned black ?
Overjoyed at your
did it imbibe your
radiance and blend
with you ?
Are you both
children of the same mother?
Did your mother
both of you
to protect the world
coming in turns?
Are the two of you
immortal ?
or the
divine elixir
We hail you both!
Oh sun!
We hail you !
Posted by Unknown at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Posted by Unknown at 4:27 PM 4 comments
Labels: Poetry
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Life is a fairy tale
Posted by Unknown at 8:33 PM 4 comments
Labels: essay
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
aagaayak koorai
விட்டுயிர்தான் போம் நாளும் அறிதல் உண்டா ?
கருப்பையை விட்டு வெளி வந்த நாளாய்க்
கா டடையும் நாள்வரையில் ஏற்றத் தாழ்வு
திருப்பங்கள் வந்துபோதல் இயற்கை அன்றோ !
செருக்கடைதல் , துயரடைதல் இல்லை, இல்லை !
உருப்படியாய் வாழ்நாளில் உலகிற் காக
ஒன்றேனும் செய்தபின்பே உயிர்துறப்பேன் !
வேதனைகள் வாழ்க்கையிலே வந்த பின்னர்
வெம்பிமனம் புழுங்குவதால் பயன்தான் என்ன ?
சோதனைகள் அடுக்கடுக்காய் உற்ற போதும்
சுமக்கின்ற வலுவென்றன் தோள்கட் குண்டு .
சாதனைகள் புரிந்திடுவோர் புகழைப் பாடும்
சரித்திரத்தில் நிலையான இடம்பிடிப்பேன்!
ஈது எனது கொள்கைஎன ஆன தாலே
எதுவரினும் சந்திப்பேன் , வெற்றி கொள்வேன் !
இப்புவியில் வெற்றிபெற வேண்டு மென்றே
என்னுள்ளம் கருதியபின் தடைதான் என்ன ?
ஒப்பில்லா உள்ளம்தான் உயர்ந்து விட்டால்
உரைக்கின்ற சொற்களுடன் செயல்கள் எல்லாம்
தப்பின்றித் தவறின்றித் தளர்வும் இன்றித்
தகவுடனே நொடிப்பொழுதில் தடை கடக்கும்
அப்பொழுது நெடுங்கடலும் குளமாய் மாறும் !
ஆகாயம் என்வீட்டுக் கூரை யாகும் !!!
Posted by Unknown at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Labels: Natarajan, Poetry, Tamil, Tamil Poetry
Heralding the birth of yet another day
Thro' the window peeps a stealthy ray!
Perched atop a hut, the cock crows!
The cow from its shed loudly bellows!
At the dawn when this world looks vibrant
Mother Nature's beauty is simply exuberant !
Methinks no earthly language can sing her glory.
Words fail when emotions prevail is the usual story
The red sun rising from the green sea down
Looks like a ruby on an emerald crown!
It embellishes the excellence of Nature-
And fills me with joyous rapture!
The eastern canvas is full of hues-
How many reds ,yellows and blues!
Can any painter of the rarest kind
Imagine so many shades even in his mind ?
The invigorating breeze of the morn
Gently soothes the hearts forlorn.
Come on! Cheer up! Here's a New Day!
When the sun shines,let's make hay!
Posted by Unknown at 6:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: Poetry
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I am a zoo by myself
But, with a difference -
domestic and animals wild
reside side by side.
The buffalo in me
wallows with glee
in the cesspool of life -
stagnates and rots.
The fox vile
cheats with guile
all the while.
The hounds of desires
bound after
fleeing and fleeting
formal pleasures,
fame, fortune and
filthy lucre
The brutal tiger
kills even the good,
if it is food.
The weak and the tame
are here for its
mere hunting game
The cage of hatred
does not allow
the peace-loving dove
to spread out its
silken wings in the
serene sunny sky.
From the withered shed
the tethered cow
still calls the calf
to come and drink the
milk of endless kindness.
P.S: This poem was awarded top prize in the in-house journal of my organization.
Posted by Unknown at 8:27 PM 6 comments
Labels: Poetry
In my mind's eye I could visualise the by-gone childhood days. Adversity did not in any way affect our joys and cheerfulness, nor could it blunt our sense of contentment. In fact ,as the Bard had put it,"Sweet were the uses of adversity". We learnt to live within our means with the greatest amount of satisfaction.
Our wants were few and simple and even if one of them was fulfilled we were greatly thrilled and elated. As we understood the value of each and everything,we appreciated the difficulty of our parents in making both ends meet. So we never expected them to buy everything under the sun.
We made kites with old newspapers glued with 'sotrupparukkai' (morsel of cooked-rice) and never thought of buying one from the shop. We used to give names to our kites ( I remember having named one such kite, "Vettri" (victory) which, ironically, was cut several times in the 'deals' that ensued that evening)
'Trade' was a very popular indoor game and we ourselves made it with lots of imagination and skill. The currency notes were made out of cigarette packs and the hard covers of old school copies(notebooks) were used for making the 'towns' and 'cities'. I hope people will not think I am bragging, if I say that our 'Trade' was far superior to the ones that were available in the shops. How I wish I preserved to show it my progeny.
We walked to our school merrily and wihout any complaints. Even now, my heart gets heavy when i recollect my brother's unfulfilled desire to own a second hand cycle all for himself at the time of his school final. I should say that it never had any effect on our happiness those days.
Ofcourse, Democritus was not an ordinary soul to say 'Happiness resides not in possession and not in gold, the felling of happiness dwells in the soul"
Posted by Unknown at 7:55 PM 7 comments
Labels: Article