The mellifluous mesmeric music
flowing forth from your
magic bamboo flute
transcends time and
thrills our palsied hearts
through the passing aeons.
Your sweet little childish pranks
on the perennial Yamuna banks
have become delightful legends
drenched with dews of
divine nectar.
Anklets tinkle, bracelets twinkle,
your tender feet sprinkle
which dispels births and also deaths,
as you start
The playful smile on your
charming cherubic face
cleanses us of all our
karmic sins.
You are at once the simple
cow-herd boy and the
celestial holy incarnation.
Your Gita is at once the
gateway to worldly knowledge
and the grand,
graceful culmination of
great spiritual wisdom.
Our hearts, like balls of butter
melt by the warmth of
ineffable love and intense devotion.
Krishna! steal our hearts and grant
salvation to our
suffering souls !