Sunday, January 27, 2013

THE WORLD HAS SHRUNK-A Poem by R.Natarajan

                        THE  WORLD HAS SHRUNK                                                                           

                                   The world has shrunk into just
                                    a few sheets of printed stuff 
                                    and thrown at our doorsteps
                                    every morn from speeding cycles.

                                    We see in its various columns:

                                    the ugly face of human race;
                                    deaths and disasters dancing around;
                                    vice and violence gaining ground;
                                    mighty machines and macro-computers
                                    making the society but marring the senses;
                                    the intrusion of the idiot boxes and 
                                    the invasion of the satellite programmes
                                    inveigling us into wasting our
                                    invaluable time in watching trifles;
                                    science growing and conscience decaying;
                                    developments leading us but to doom
                                    as the spirit of man is not allowed to bloom---
                                    With unfeeling haste we munch these
                                    with our breakfast and forget fast.

                                    The world has shrunk-- so are our hearts! 


Unknown said...

hi Sir,very nice poem........about Newspaper......dhanusha

Unknown said...

hi Sir,very nice poem........about Newspaper......dhanusha

RMK said...

Very Nice Piece.Let me add to it saying " The world has shrunk
same as Nobleness has shrunk "